A short summary of some parts of the argument/analysis:
There is a difference of vision and approach between now and 30 years ago. Had the same mindset been prevalent in that period, we would have seen the rise of several private networks running on different standards, rather than the open , public and universal network running on common standards that the WWW arose on.
We are seeing a greater push towards censorship. For example, initially in China sites like Facebook or Google weren't banned. Places like Russia, and India also hopped on the bandwagon.
Filter bubbles are made worse by personalized algorithms. Back 20 years ago, algorithms were static and everyone got the same result. Now the results are personalized, and everyone has different results, which can make filter bubbles worse.
While back in the day, you could find almost everything for free, now there are paywalls everywhere. And these are paywalls per medium (online newspaper, app, streaming channel), rather than the more universal paywall system of for example cable (where you can get a package of different channels). With the current paywall system you pay per site, which limits the access you have to only a small number of sites you pay for.