One thing is writing clearly, but another one is having your writing be seen. If no one sees it, then even the most well-written articles will just languish on the way side.
One problem on Medium has been that the most divisive, emotionally-laden articles (sometimes bordering on fake news and conspiracy theories) end up getting huge play. The way Medium is set up is more about broadcasting, than having a real conversation or competition of ideas.
What might help is trying to tear some of these filter bubbles up. Maybe the algorithm (or editors) could pair up articles in the same domain, but with different arguments in order to have a look at the issues from different sides. This could also serve as a way to fact-check some of these very popular, but conspiracy theory laden articles that get so much play on Medium.
This could also serve as a way to tear up filter bubbles. With Medium leaning woke left and a lot of conspiracy theory and divise stuff dominating here, I have seen a large outflux of people with different types of ideas. This then sets up vicious cycles, where confirmation bias reigns supreme, circle jerking for the most emotional stuff multiplies, and you basically end up with a small group of very popular writers writing ideological doom and gloom paired with conspiratorial thinking.
So communication yes, we all need to learn how to communicate our ideas better. However, outside circumstances also play a role on which message gets spread and which doesn't.